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ESP Amplifiers

KV2 Audio ESP Amplifiers are concerned with providing the highest quality electronic amplification, based around purpose built circuitry and Topology, the lowest distortion levels and the fastest settling time, specifically to drive and control the KV2 Audio ESD passive range of Loudspeaker units to the highest definition and dynamic response.

Based around three ESP models, the range is presented in two and four unit-standard rackmount chassis, in two and four channel models, using bespoke Toroidal transformers, circuit design, amplifier and loudspeaker protection.


Audio Amplifier technology has improved at a fast rate over the last decade, the main aim being concerned with multiple facilities, built in processing power and remote control features as well as large power deliveries packaged up in lightweight enclosures.

Whilst admirable and offering many benefits to the end user, these products are still multi-purpose devices aimed at variations of applications in their attempt to appeal to a wider audience.

Even though these amplifiers are specifically designed for the ESD passive speaker range, their ability to drive third party loudspeakers provides unparalleled performance and quality and can be used as extremely high quality multi-purpose amplifiers for a wide array of applications.


Designed to drive the ESD and ESM range of passive loudspeaker units with superior sound quality as well as third-party loudspeakers

  • Portable PA

  • Fixed installations


The ESP1000 is a four channel rack mountable power amplifier specifically designed for optimised performance with KV2 Audio's ESD Cube / ESD1.10 subwoofer system.


The ESP2000 amplifier incorporates KV2’s SLA design principles, delivering very low distortion characteristics, even under extreme operation.


The ESP4000 is an ultra-high definition 4-channel rack mountable power amplifier from KV2 Audio, specifically designed for optimised performance with ESD loudspeakers, as well as with other passive systems.


The ESP2000D is a two-channel rack mountable power amplifier. The unit contains two separate 1000-watt amplifiers

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